Top equity research analyst internships in India

Last updated on October 22nd, 2024 at 03:43 pm

The word internship, has been taken too lightly by a lot of candidates in the industry. More over, students are engrossed with certifications and courses. Now I am not saying that you should not add skills, but how would you know what to learn as a skill unless you work. In this article, I will discuss the best equity research analyst internships in India that is good for a investment banking career.

Also, the catch is you get paid to learn. So my advice, is learn and use the money to pay for the skills to be acquired.

Top 11 Equity Research Analyst Internships in India

SerCompanyLocationDuration(Mts)Skills RequiredStipendLink to apply
13C CapitalsWork from Home6Financial markets5000
2Neo mile capitalMumbai6Excel, financial modeling5000
3Green PortfolioGhaziabad6Excel, financial modeling10000
4Business quantWork from Home4Excel, financial modeling3000
5JP FinancialMumbai3Excel, financial modeling10000 
6HDFC Capital advisorsFaridabad, Gurgaon, Delhi,Ghaziabad,Noida6Excel, financial modeling5000
7Tetkar capitalPune6Excel, financial modeling25000
8Modani financial servicesJaipur4Excel, financial modeling5000 
9Next step capital advisorsAhemdabad6Excel, financial modeling2000 
10MFA ConsultingMumbai2Excel, financial modeling5000
11Neo mile capitalMumbai6Excel, financial modeling7500

Equity Research Analyst Internships Overview

Firstly let me give you some background of such internships. After all, its an internship very similar to the word apprentice. Both the employer as well as the apprentice, gain in an internship. The employer gets to, get a low cost short term work done at minimal cost. While the intern gets the exposure.

Now, remember I said exposure, because exposure is critical for a focused career. Which is required early In the stage of exploring various career choices.

Benefits Of Equity Research Internships

The sooner you understand, that the industry doesn’t pay because you hold a degree. However, it pays when they see value is the most critical take aways. Equity research analyst internships, give you a path to start creating the value in your offering.

  • Firstly, you get how equity research works.
  • Secondly, you understand the dirty work in equity research.
  • Thirdly, you develop a deep learning of the complexities of the industry.
  • Fourthly, you get to choose later if equity research analyst is your choice of career.
  • Fifth, you get to use this experience for larger investment banks that you apply.
  • Sixth, employers later appreciate your quest for learning.
  • Seventh, you make more mistakes, and mistakes are forgiven for an intern.
  • Eigth, you get to earn some money for paying off courses.
  • Ninth benefit, is that you can use this to get into premiere education institutes.
  • Finally, the benefit it exposes you to the realities of the world.

While, I can keep writing about the benefits of internships, the crux to understand here is exposure. So, the objective is not to fill your CV with 100 internships in equity research analyst. However, demonstrate your value, which goes a long way.

Preparing for Internships

Now, there are thousands and lacs of students who would just show up to take the internships. However, when an employer has posted an internships, then the job is serious. While you can’t just show up for the internship, without have the requisite skills and knowledge.

equity research analyst internship  skills
equity research analyst internship skills

So, let me list out the steps of getting Equity research analyst internships.

  1. Prepare the basics of financial accounting.
  2. Second, Learn financial modeling and advance excel.
  3. Third, prepare some financial models, which can be shown as sample.
  4. Fourth, create some equity research reports.
  5. Fifth, Read atleast one or two books on equity research- my favourate- Gurus of chaos and One up wall street by peter lynch.
  6. Sixth, read the job description of the equity research internship.
  7. Seventh, prepare your answer on why you need the internship.

So, the reason why I posted these top 7 steps, is because you need to take the job seriously, Just like it would have been for the full time employment. Also, image you are again exposing your self to the harsh realities of the industry today.

Best Time Internships

Now, philosophically there is no ideal time for internships, in the context of the spirt to learn. However, there still can be an ideal time. I started interning when I was in second year of my college, that too in sales. While, I had no idea why I was doing it. What it did was, it gave the harsh learning that “ Sales is not easy, and especially face to face sales”.

Sitting across the table and understanding the problems of clients is easier said than done. While, at the same time I came to know that no matter what a great student I am in college, the industry doesn’t care at all.

So, ideally the best time for equity research analyst internships, is second year onwards if you are an under-graduate. However, for anyone else whether graduate or working professionals, it is as per your circumstances.

Presenting your Internships in your CV & Linkedin.

Again, lets come back to the same thought that internships, is a tool for exposure and to demonstrate your value generation capability to the future employer. Which, also means that you need to be aware and attentive, on the work that your doing during an internship.

So, for every internship that you get into, make sure to write and get the data mentioned below;

  • The project name- client name- objective of the research, sector
  • Supervisor- make sure you get a good relationship with your reporting manager while in an internship. It will help you tonnes later for recommendation and reference checks.
  • Quantifiable numbers- collect, how your research impacted the company’s client or if in case its an ongoing project or equity research then what value it was supposed to create.
  • Recommendation letter: Make sure you get your recommendation on linked in. Beg and beg hard for it.
equity research analyst internship

Now, the job doesn’t end there, write a summary research report and post in your wall and articles on linkedin. No, one just looks at your CV anymore. For example;if I was hiring then I would check your CV and then quickly scan your linked in to assess your enthusiasm.
