Simplified Regression Equation Explained With Example

Last updated on October 22nd, 2024 at 03:30 pm

Regression equation of x on y is a statistical technique for analysing and comprehending the connection between multiple variables. The method used to do regression analysis aids in determining which elements are relevant, which can be disregarded, and how they interact.You must comprehend the following terms in order for regression analysis to be an effective method.

In another word, the dependent variables and the independent variables.

  • The dependent variable is the one that I am attempting to figure out or predict.
  • Independent Variables are variables that have an impact on the analysis or aim variable.

In this write-up, let me take you through the various types of regression and the ways to calculate the regression equation of x on y.

Meaning of Regression

Let’s use this example to better grasp regression.

You’re doing a test case on a sample of university students to see if individuals who have a high CGPA also have a good GRE score.

The most prime thing you need to do is gather all of the kids’ information.

We proceed to gather the GRE results and CGPAs of this college’s pupils. All GRE scores are presented in one column, while CGPA are presented in another.

We can see that the CGPA, as well as the GRE score, have a linear connection. It implies that when the CGPA rises, so does the GRE score. This would also imply that a student with a high CGPA has a better chance of receiving a high GRE score.

But if I ask, “If the student’s CGPA is 8.32, what would the student’s GRE score be?”

That’s where Regression enters the picture. We can use regression analysis to understand what the connection between two variables is.

What is the meaning of regression?

So in conclusion, a dependent variable or more than one independent variable is often used in the regression.

Using the independent variables, we attempt to “regress” the value of the dependent variable “Y.”

To put it another way, we’re attempting to figure out how the value of ‘Y’ changes when the value of ‘X’ changes.

What is Regression Analysis, and how can it help you? Regression Analysis in a Wider Context

For forecasting and prognosis, regression analysis is employed. This relates to machine learning significantly. This statistical approach is utilized in a variety of fields, including,

  • Understanding the trend in stock prices, forecasting pricing, and evaluating risks in the policy realm are all things that the financial industry can help you with.
  • Calculating the efficiency of advertising campaigns, pricing, and product sales forecasting are all important aspects of marketing.
  • Manufacturing- Evaluate the connection of variables that impact the performance of a better engine.
  • Medicine- To produce generic medications for illnesses and forecast the possible combinations of medicines.

Important Regression Analysis Terms

  1. Outliers – Outliers are a term used to calculate the regression equation of x on y. An outlier is an observation in a dataset that has an extremely high or very low value in comparison to another observation in the dataset, indicating that it will not belong to the population. In other words, it has a high worth. An outlier is an issue since it frequently skews our results.
  2. Multicollinearity – The variables are considered to be multicollinear once the independent variables are strongly associated with each other. Multicollinearity should never be present in the dataset, according to several types of regression algorithms, because it makes it difficult to order variables according to their relevance or to choose the most significant independent variable.
  3. Heteroscedasticity – Heteroscedasticity occurs when the variance between both the target attribute and the independent variable isn’t really constant. For example, when one’s income rises, so does the variety of food intake. A poorer individual will spend a relatively consistent amount by continually eating cheap food; a wealthy person may buy cheap food on occasion and have costly meals at other times. Food intake is more variable among those with higher earnings.
  4. Overfitting and Underfitting – Overfitting might occur when we employ unnecessary explanatory variables. Overfitting refers to the fact that our algorithm performs well across the training dataset but not on the test sets. It’s also viewed as a high problem. When our algorithm performs so poorly that it can’t even fit a training set properly, we call it underfitting the data. It’s also considered a high issue.

The Different Types of Regression

There are many implications that must be addressed for various forms of regression analysis, as well as a grasp of the character of variables and their distribution.

Linear To Calculate The Regression Equation of X on Y

Linear Regression is the most basic of all regression methods, attempting to establish correlations between independent variables and dependent variables. The variable dependent is usually a continuous variable in this case.

regression equation of x on y

What is Linear Regression, and How Does It Work?

A predictive model for determining the linear connection between such a dependent variable and one or more than one independent variable is linear regression.

Our dependent variable is ‘Y,’ which is a continual numerical, and we’re attempting to figure out how ‘Y’ changes when ‘X’ changes.

So, if we’re required to respond to the query “What will the student’s GRE score be if the CCGPA is 8.32?” Linear regression should be our first choice.

• x is Rainfall, and y is Crop Yield are examples of independent and dependent variables.

• Advertising Expense is x, and Sales is y.

• Goods sales are x, while GDP is y.

Simple Linear Regression is used when a connection with the dependent variable is made up of single variables.

X —–> Y Simple Linear Regression

Many Linear Regression is used when the association between independent variables and dependent variables is multiple in number.

Linear Regression with Multiple Variables

Model of Simple Linear Regression

The relationship between the variables may be represented in the following way since the framework is used to explain the dependent variable.

Yi = β0 + β1 Xi +εi


Yi – stands for the dependent variable.

β0 — Detection

β1 – Coefficient of Slope

Xi stands for Independent Variable.

εi – Error Term by Chance

Identifying the variability between the variables is the most important aspect of regression analysis. We must first comprehend the measurements of variation in order to comprehend the variance.

The determination coefficient is the percentage of the total variance in the dependent variable that can be explained by the changes in the variable independent. The analysis with the independent variables considered for the model is better if the r2 value is greater.

r2 = SSR


Note: r2 = range of 0 r2≤1

Polynomial to Calculate The Regression Equation of X on Y

Polynomial Regression is a type of regression that involves a number of variables

By using polynomial functions of independent variables, this form of regression approach is utilized to model nonlinear equations.

regression equation of x on y

The red curve matches the information better than the green curve, as seen in the illustration below. As a result, we may use Polynomial Regression Models in cases where the connection between both the dependent and independent variables seems to be nonlinear.

Logistics to Calculate The Regression Equation of X on Y

A supervised learning approach for classification, Logistic Regression is also referred to as

Logit, Maximum-Entropy classifier. It uses regression to create a link between dependent and independent class factors.

The response variable is categorical, meaning it can only accept integral values that represent several classes. A logistic function is put to use to model the probabilities that describe the possible results of a query point. This model is part of the discriminative classifiers’ family. They rely on characteristics that effectively distinguish classes. When two types of dependent variables are present, this model is utilized. When there are more than two classes, a different regression procedure is used to assist us in the better forecast of the target variable.

Logistic Regression algorithms may be divided into two groups.

  1. When the response variable is strictly binary, binary logistic regression is used.
  2. Similarly, the dependent variable contains numerous categories, and Multinomial Logistic Regression is used.

Multinomial Logistic Regression is divided into two categories.

  1. Multinomial Logistic Regression with Orders (dependent variable has sequenced values)
  2. Logistic Regression -Multinomial using Nominal Variables (dependent variable has no sequence categories)

Methodology: Logistic to calculate the regression equation of X on Y takes into account the many types of dependent variables and gives probability to the events that occur for each row of data. These probabilities are calculated by allocating various values toward each independent variable and analysing the connection between them. Good weights are assigned if the relationship between the two variables is strong, and negative weights are assigned if the connection is inverse.

The Sigmoid function is created by applying the log-normal functional on these probabilities that are determined on these independent variables since the model is primarily used to categorize the categories of attribute values as either 0 or 1.


Here are a few instances in which this model may be utilized to make predictions.

Weather prediction: There are just a handful of distinct weather kinds. Stormy, sunny, overcast, rainy, and a few other adjectives come to mind.

Medical diagnosis: based on the symptoms, the ailment that the person is suffering from is determined.

Credit Default: If a loan must be issued to a certain applicant, it will be based on his identification check, bank summary, any assets he owns, any past loans, and so on.

HR Analytics: IT organizations hire a large number of employees, but one of the issues they face is that many contenders do not join after receiving a job offer. As a result, cost overruns occur

since the entire procedure must be repeated. Can you now accurately anticipate whether an applicant will join the organization (Binary Outcome – Join / Not Join) when you receive an application?

Elections: Assume we’re curious about the elements that impact whether or not a political figure gets into power. The answer (outcome) variable typically is binary (0/1); you either win or lose. The amount spent on the election and the length of time spent promoting adversely is the predictive variables of interest.

Linear Discriminant Analysis to Calculate the Regression Equation of X on Y

Linear Discriminant Analysis Regression

Discriminant Analysis is a technique for categorizing observations into classes or categories based on data predictor (independent) factors.

When the classes are known, Discriminant Analysis produces a method to forecast future data.

In circumstances where logistic regression is unstable, LDA calculates the regression equation of x on y and comes to our rescue:

  • Those who are classified are well separated.
  • If we have two or more two classes.
  • The data is tiny.

LDA Model’s Operation to calculate the regression equation of x on y

To estimate probabilities, the LDA model uses Bayes’ Theorem. They try to make predictions on the basis of the likelihood that a fresh input dataset will belong to one of the classes. The output class is the one with the highest probability, after which the LDA provides a prediction.

Bayes’ theorem, which calculates the frequency of the output variable given the input, is used to make the prediction.

Linear Models with Regularization Regression 

This strategy is used to address the issue of model overfitting, which occurs when the model performs badly on test data. This model aids in the solution of the issue by including an error component in the goal function to decrease model bias.

In general, regularisation is beneficial in the following circumstances:

  • There are a lot of factors.
  • The sample sizes to the set of possibilities have a low ratio.
  • Multicollinearity is high.

When it comes to regression analysis, what are the most common errors?

When dealing with analysis to calculate the regression equation of X on Y, it’s critical to have a thorough understanding of the issue statement. We should presumably utilize linear regression if the issue description mentions forecasting. We should apply logistic regression if the issue description mentions binary categorization. Similarly, we must assess all of our regression models based on the issue statement.
