Top WNS Company Interview Questions for 2023

Last updated on August 3rd, 2024 at 12:18 am

A leading and internationally recognized BPM company, WNS is known for its quality services in digital transformation. Ranging from finance and banking to customer interaction, WNS tries to provide unique solutions to the unique problems faced by their esteemed customers. Likewise, to maintain the quality of their services, WNS hires top professionals in their team. Thus, one can expect a pretty challenging interview during the hiring process. Nothing to fear, we have put down some WNS interview questions and some interview tips that will definitely help you perform better in the interview. 

WNS Interview Questions

Types of WNS Interview Questions

General Questions

Acing an interview with a major firm like WNS Global Services isn't easy. It isn't difficult either. You just need to know how to answer with grace and confidence. Yet, you cannot prepare answers for every question under the sun. Hence, we have compiled the most commonly asked questions with answers for you.

Technical Questions

Technical questions can vary based on the profile you are applying. However at this stage we have covered some basic technical questions just to illustrate the category of questions which might be asked.

Business Process Management at WNS

WNS specializes in Business Process Management (BPM), offering services that span across various industries such as finance, banking, and customer interaction. Understanding the business process is crucial for performing well in any role at WNS. This ensures that you are aligned with the company’s approach to delivering high-quality, efficient services to clients. Familiarity with BPM can give you an edge during technical questions, especially those related to process optimization and client interaction.

General WNS Interview Questions

Do you find yourself eligible for the company?- General WNS interview Question 1

Question Basics

If you look into this WNS interview question well, this is one of the trickiest questions asked in any interview. The trick to answering this is that you have to be mindful of what you are saying. You can neither be overconfident nor brag about your qualities. Neither can you be nervous and sell yourself. You have to maintain the right balance while answering this. 


You can begin by saying: Thank you for the question. Having done my bachelor's/master's in finance (or whatever your degree is) from XYZ, I have undergone rigorous classroom courses to develop my skills and knowledge in the same. 

Freshers: Not only that, I have done some workshops and internships in XYZ and gained hands-on knowledge on how to efficiently manage financial accounts for our clients. I believe that my knowledge will thrive here while helping your company to reach

Experienced: Additionally, I have worked earlier in XYZ where I served as a finance officer/personal banker(whatever your role was) for XYZ months. Having all the skills and experience, I find myself appropriately eligible for this role.

In both the cases, the focus has to be on connecting the career decisions with your interest. You want to avoid talking like a robot and listing your details in a wiff.

What salary do you expect?- WNS Interview Question 2

This is another tricky question that again tests your own evaluation of self-estimation and confidence. You just cannot jump to a figure giving a one-line answer to your interviewer. 

Freshers: What I look for from this company is an opportunity to add all the necessary learnings quickly and add value to your processes. I would expect to be paid as per the industry standards for a person with my caliber.

Experienced: I want to take on challenging responsibilities, something that I missed being given till date. Which would also remunerate me fairly. Hence, I expect a salary of around 6-8L per annum (average experienced salary) per annum.

Tip: First do your research on finding what should be the expected hike, and then go 20% higher than that. Which gives some room for negotiation. For eg; if the general appraisals are at 15%, then you want to target 35% so that even after a hard negotiation you could still end up with more than 15%.

Tell us something about your previous experience?

This answer is completely objective. You can frame your answer in the form: 

Experienced: The goal here is to quantify the experience in terms of achievements and not just subjectively tell your responsibilities. Remember that the interviewer is trying to gauge your value.

Do you have experience with financial banking?

This is a straightforward WNS interview question. But you still cannot limit yourself to answering just yes or no. 

If you have been a financial banker, you can simply go on saying: Yes, I am experienced in financial banking. I have worked as a financial banker at XYZ Company where I successfully helped my clients to maximize their profits and reduce risks. I conducted extensive market research 

If you are a fresher or an experienced person who hasn't been a financial banker, you intend to know what knowledge or information you have about financial banking. 

How would you handle customers' upset with our services?

Since WNS is a BPO company, you will be receiving calls from upset customers complaining about their dissatisfaction. Performing well in your job also depends on how well you can handle such clients. Hence answering this question well, is very important for the hiring authorities.

In order to answer this, you can go around saying that:

Freshers: I will first apologize for their inconvenience and ask them to explain their problem in detail. I will then try to provide a solution and ask them to reach out to me for further help.

Experienced: Being in XYZ company or Having worked in call centers or customer service, I have experience on how to handle such clients. I will be apologetic and resolve their issues at my earliest. I can handle them with empathy and care in order to keep them happy.

Technical WNS Interview Questions

These are the technical WNS interview questions that will help the interviewer determine how much you can pull off the role. Doing well in these questions also enables you to get higher pay for your salary. So, whether or not you are experienced, you need to find out, how well you are familiar with the technical terms and questions.

Can you talk to customers about marketing campaigns? 

WNS also helps its customers with advertising and marketing campaigns. Here the idea of fresher and experienced depends solely on whether or not possess this particular skill.

Freshers: (Show them that you are willing to learn and help even if you don’t know). I have not been a part of marketing and advertising earlier. If my role requires me to do this, I will learn about it and then help my customers in building the right marketing campaign through the right choice of channels and budget. Else I will forward this call to the marketing department and ask them to take over from then.

Experienced: (Give them an idea of what you have done relevant to this field). I have been closely associated with business start-ups where I have helped them with advertising and marketing. I have helped them choose the appropriate channels for advertising within the given budget.

Would you be able to handle the XYZ role?

This is again one of the tricky yet technical WNS interview questions. When you are answering this question, they are trying to determine, how aware you are of this job role, the do's and don'ts of the role as well the responsibilities.

Fresher: I have not done this job earlier. However, I am well aware of the duties and responsibilities of XYZ. If I am an XYZ, as a part of my role, I have to ... 

Experienced: I have served as an XYZ in XYZ company for a few months where I had to (write the job description). During my tenure there, I ...(write how successfully aced your role).


An interview is a key to sealing your position in the company. As such it is not that difficult to ace interviews. Some tips that can help you:

1. Prepare wisely: Don't mug up the answers or anything for that matter. Do mock practices.

2. Do not lie in your interview.

3. Take professional help for the best preparations from experienced teachers.

4. During the interview, dress formally, wear fewer accessories, and light-scented perfume.

5. Listen carefully to your interviewer. Interact confidently.

6. Try to ask questions to the interviewer if you have any.

7. Thank the interviewer for their time and for this opportunity.

WNS is a great company and one of the biggest global services firms to work with. We wish you all the best in your preparations and for your big day! If you are nervous and need further help in the preparations, contact us without hesitation.
