Sticky Phone Number +9170214 50511


"Endless Arduous journey of Perfection"


The mission of Mentor Me Careers is served by a burden of making the education industry in India rise to serve the correct purpose. India has close to 93% Of MBA’s, 88% of engineers unemployed, coupled with numerous education skills company achieving similar fate.

We aspire to make learning inexpensive, inclusive and targeted to provide jobs. At Mentor Me, we don’t recognise degrees, skills, designations for their material value but to perform economical actives.

Mentor Me’s primary focus is on core finance industry, which has always been a huge space for jobs. However due to the blurred understanding and vicious marketing of large ed tech companies. Students frequently end up pursuing courses which don’t target the core objective, placement.


  •  Make graduates and post graduates kick start their career in core finance
  •     Create a quality benchmark of skills and education in India

Mentor Me started and will always be focussed on getting students to start their careers. It does so by always understanding new job opportunities and trying to find critical skills needed for it.  We at Mentor Me Careers, intent to uphold the ethical standards of providing the correct learning for the suitable candidate.


We believe the education marketing including universities, coaching institutes, Ed tech firms should function in the following ways:

  • Keep student has the prime focus for all business decisions, not margins.
  • Not create products, courses which are directed at misleading the candidate
  • Be ready to say “No”, for students whom the course is not suitable
  • Always give correct counselling, as students are unaware.
  • Educate and make aware the students on interest and ability of careers
  • Listen and be available for the students always
  • Guide students and mentor for life
  • Maintain highest quality of content and trainers. Even if it means sacrificing margins
  • Innovate in other areas apart from fees, to make this sustainable
  • Never charge students for the same service or course again.


We believe that education market, although looks competitive but there is an opportunity for everyone to add value. Unlike automobiles, mobile phones or e commerce, Education business is too clattered for anyone to gain large market share for long period of times, without using numerous acquisitions, crazy marketing and running a loss making business.

  • Provide Jobs Opportunities to Students

No one can guarantee jobs but we can train them specifically for interviews and hope for the best. We invest equally in placements, as much as we do in marketing

  • Constantly Evolve and Innovate Learning

We believe in specialising in one area of jobs and doing it the correct way. Most of the jobs in finance have a common requirement.

  • Provide Students a Smooth and Caring Experience

For us students are not different than us. We want to be there for them 24 x 7, and their problem is our problem. There can be times when we can’t solve it promptly, but we promise that we will.

We as an organisation don’t set goals on the number of students or growth projects. We however would love to see our mentored students; compound the learnings they get from us & multiply it to help others.
