How to calculate percentages in the calculator

Last updated on May 29th, 2023 at 06:11 pm

With the help of the percentage calculator, you can quickly determine what proportion of X is equal to Y. The tool is fairly simple to use. The third field will be automatically calculated for you after you complete the first two. You can respond to the query of how to calculate the percentage of two numbers using this technique. Additionally, you can perform calculations the opposite way, i.e., how to find a percentage of a number, using our percentage calculator. See how quick and simple it is to use this useful tool by attempting to enter different values into the various fields. Is it insufficient for you to understand how to calculate a percentage of a number? Press the advanced mode button under the calculator if you want to perform more thorough calculations.


What are percentages?

In mathematics, percentages are represented as fractions of 100 in the form of numbers or ratios. They are typically indicated by the symbols “%” or “%.” The percentages 65 per cent or 65 per cent are two examples. They can also be written as decimal fractions or simple fractions.

The words “per ” and “cent” combine to form the word “percentage.” Having Latin and French roots, the word “cent” means “hundred,” and the word “per cent” means “per hundred.” For instance, 50 per cent means 50% of something, or 50 out of 100.

Finding the percentage of a whole in terms of 100 is what percentage calculations entail. Both manual calculation and the use of online calculators are options.

In what areas is percentage calculation helpful?

This tool is helpful in many different contexts in addition to helping with percentage and fraction learning. A percentage can be found almost everywhere in your life! Anyone who has ever visited a mall has undoubtedly seen dozens of signs that read “discount!” and feature a large percentage symbol. And there are numerous other examples of percentages besides this one. They frequently show up in various fields, such as finance, where we use them to calculate the amount of income tax or sales tax, or in health, where they are used to express body fat. If you want to understand how to find a percentage of something, what the percentage formula is, and how percentages are used in physics and statistics, among other areas of life, continue reading.

Steps To Calculate

Step 1

25 per cent of 40 texts equals 10.

40 is the total, 25 is the percentage, and 10 is the part. Calculating percentages typically requires you to locate a missing term among those mentioned above. You have the part (10%) and the entire (40), so the omitted term is the percentage in the question “What percentage of 40 is 10?” You already know the percentage (25%) and the whole number (40), so the only term left to add is the part. By the same reasoning, the term that is missing in the question “What is 10% off?” is “the whole.”

Step 2

Divide the part by the whole by using your calculator to find the solution if the omitted term is the percentage. This is the example equation, and

10 ÷ 40 = 0.25

Press the percentage button on your calculator to get the percentage. In the absence of such a button on your calculator, multiply your previous response by 100 to get the percentage:

0.25 × 100 = 25%

Step 3

Use the calculator if you want to multiply the whole by the percentage to arrive at the solution if the omitted term is the part. The calculation is as follows if your calculator has a percentage button:

40 divided by 25% equals 10

In the absence of a percentage button on your calculator, multiply the percentage by 100 first:

25 ÷ 100 = 0.25

The part can then be determined by dividing this result by the whole:

0.25 × 40 = 10

Step 4

Divide the part by the percentage to arrive at the solution if the omitted term is the whole. The calculation is as follows if your calculator has a percentage button:

10 ÷ 25% = 40

You must multiply the percentage by 100 in order to complete the calculation if your calculator does not have a percentage button:

25 ÷ 100 = 0.25

After that, to get the whole, divide the part by the response:

10 ÷ 0.25 = 40

How to calculate percentages in simple methods

1. Establish the number’s initial format before converting it to a percentage.

The number that needs to be converted to a percentage may be expressed as a fraction or in decimal form. A fraction is 3/20, and a decimal is 0.57, for instance. The subsequent mathematical operation to be performed on the number will depend on the initial format.

2. Apply math to the number that needs to be converted to a percentage

You may not need to do anything prior to moving on to the next step if the number that has to be changed to a percentage is a decimal number, such as 0.57. To get a decimal number, however, divide the numerator—the top number—by the denominator—the lower number—if the fraction is 3/20.

3. Multiply the number by 100

Simply multiply a decimal number, such as 0.57, by 100 to convert it to a percentage. Thus, 0.57 x 100 equals 57. As a result, 0.57 is equal to 57 per cent in percentage terms. Another illustration would be 0.03 x 100 = 3 percent.

When converting a fraction to a percentage, such as 3/20, you should divide 3 by 20 to get 0.15. The result is 15% when you multiply 0.15 by 100.

How to calculate percentages by working backwards

Working backwards to calculate percentages may occasionally be necessary. When the percentage and its final number are known, and it is necessary to calculate the original number, this method, also known as reverse percentages, is employed.

For instance, what is the number if 500 is 40 per cent of it? The percentage can be determined by working backwards in the following ways:

  • Calculate the proportion of the original or true number. It is 500 in this instance.
  • Add 100 to the final figure. 500 x 100 = 50,000.
  • Subtract the percentage from the multiplication result. 40 percent of 50,000 equals 1,250. 500, therefore, represents 40% of 1,250. Consequently, the initial total was 1,250.