Free Excel Course Online for finance with videos

Last updated on January 27th, 2023 at 06:31 pm

Free Excel Online Course

Excel spreadsheets in today’s finance world is a non negotiable skill. More so, the finance world uses Microsoft excel for multiple functions like

  • Data analysis
  • DCF Valuation
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Back testing

Check how excel gets used in financial Modeling

Hence learning Microsoft excel is extremely important for any budding finance professional.

This will be the last and final excel tutorial, you would need to get your skills in place for the real world application.

Having said that I created a step by step, easy excel tutorial for anyone without any background, who can pick up and start using it. 

This excel guide will be covering, what most of us lack

  • keyboard shortcuts
  • Logical operators
  • Data Analysis- Pivot Table
  • Data Table

And More. 


  1. Basic excel cell referencing- How excel works
  2. Introduction to the various nuances of excel- worksheet, work book, ribbon
  3. Data Table 
  4. Introduction to logical operators
  5. Vlook up function and Index and match
  6. Daily Excel Operators
  7. Conditional Operators
  8. Pivot Table 
  9. Charts
  10. Pivot Table
  11. Financial Analysis Template
  12. Daily Excel Formulas

Who should use it?

  • Fresh graduates to upgrade their excel skills
  • MBA Grads for interview preparation
  • Working professionals to sharpen their skills 

For any doubts, you can leave a comment, we will do our best to solve it at the earliest

Learning Content

Download Template

1. Excel Overview

Learning Outcome

  • Learn about excel Basic structure
  • Learn what Ribbons are

2. Excel Home Ribbon

Learning Outcome

  • Learn about the various functions and use of the home ribbon

3. Excel Other Ribbons

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn about other ribbons in excel like Insert, Data, View etc.

4. Excel – Cell Referencing Basics

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and learn how the cell reference works
  • Learn to use cell fixing using dollar sign

5. Excel – Creating a Data Table

Learning Outcome

  • Learn how to use the data table to do sensitivity analysis by changing assumptions

6. Excel – VLookUp

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to use VLOOKUP and learn its logic

7. VLookUp Part II & Index Match

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the challenges and problems of vlook up
  • Learn how to use Index and match to solve it

8. Logic Operator – If Function

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the need for a logical operator
  • Learn how to apply logical operator to solve cases where you need to apply a condition

9. Excel Charts

Learning Outcome

  • Learn how to use charts for visualisation
  • Learn the various important charts for finance

10. Pivot Table

Learning Outcome

  • Learn how to use Pivot table to handle large data 
  • Learn how to summarize it using Pivot

11. Financial Analysis Template

Learning Outcome

  • Learn how to create a financial analysis template
  • Learn the approach of building a template

12. Daily Excel Formulas

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn some basic functions useful for a daily use in finance

Happy Learning

If you enjoyed our content please don’t forget to share it and if you want to learn more don’t forget to contact us. Excel is one of the most important skills needed in finance. The purpose of creating this free excel online course was to help students learn this skill at absolutely no cost.

Use of Excel in Finance

  • Capital Budgeting
  • Valuation
  • Forecasting
  • Planning and Analysis
  • Trading Strategies
  • Back Testing 
  • Sensitivity Analysis

Thank you for watching the content, Cheers and Best of Luck

Allen Aravindan,CFA
